Andrew Ward is a copywriter and SEO professional with 10 years of experience in the field.


From Writer to Shark: How a Freelance Writing Career Can Be as Heart-Pounding as the Movie 'Jaws

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A freelance writing career is much like the Jaws film franchise. Don't believe me? Let's dive in and explore the uncanny similarities I discovered while binging way too many Shark movies this past weekend.

Jaws The Hunt Begins

Just like the massive Great White shark (known on set as Bruce), freelance writing can be daunting at first. Even terrifying when considering how you'll get by. We're swimming in uncharted waters and you don't know what's going to come up from where. However, much like Spielberg learned from the hellish setbacks faced during production, writers need to remember that great achievements often come from challenges. So instead of worrying, embrace the future and as Sheriff Brody would say, "Smile, you son of a bitch."

Jaws 2 The Freelancer Strikes Back

Critics sometimes claim that sequels struggle to live up to their predecessor's success. And in Jaws 2's case, that definitely happened. Likewise, a freelance writing career demands perseverance at all times, good or bad. We encounter rough waters, fierce competition, and occasional self-doubt. But like Sheriff Brody we rise to the occasion, even if we didn't want to do the film like star Roy Scheider. With each project, we refine our skills and become stronger, ready to take on bigger challenges, even if it's something that turns out to be a mess.

Jaws 3 The Freelance Writer in 3D

Some critics argue that the third Jaws installment's leap into 3D felt forced and gimmicky. I'd add that it's the worst 3D you'll ever see in your life. That doesn't have to be your freelance writing career. As solopreneurs, we face pressure to adapt to new trends and keep up with the pack. However, true innovation goes beyond gimmicks. As freelancers, we embrace new dimensions of storytelling, creating captivating content that goes beyond the surface. Whether it's crafting engaging social media posts or immersive blog articles, we're always exploring new depths.

Jaws 4 The Revenge of the Freelancer

Critics often question the artistic merit of the fourth film in the franchise. It's probably because the story centered on a shark setting up a murder in New England, traveling to the Bahamas and stalking the family. In freelance writing, skeptics may question the viability of your job or business decisions. But, freelance writers forge their own path to success. We're not just content creators. We're taking control of our destinies--even if that means taking a big pay day to miss the Oscars, like Michael Caine famously did. Years later, when asked about the decision, Caine replied:

"I have never seen it (Jaws 4) but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built and it is terrific."

So, fellow writers, embrace your inner Bruce the Shark, and take a bite out of a potentially fulfilling career.

Like this crazy Jaws content? Be on the lookout for more in an upcoming Dread Central article!

Andrew Ward